

Original Article

멀리건 SNAGs 기법이 경추성 두통 환자의 통증, 경부 기능 장애 및 우울증에 미치는 영향


Effect of Mulligan SNAGs on Pain, Neck Dysfunction, and Depression in patients with Cervicogenic headache

박재명, 신의주, 홍현표

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Background: Cervical headache (CGH) is a common condition that causes serious damage. Mulligan described a sustained natural apophyseal glides (SNAGs) as a manual therapy approach to treat this dysfunction. Although there have been several case studies to evaluate the effectiveness of SNAG, the efficacy of SNAG for cervical headaches is still controversial. Therefore, this study examined the effects of Mulligan’s SNAG technique on cervical headache and pain intensity to present basic clinical data. Methods: Thirty-two subjects participated in this study, 16 each in the experimental and control groups. The experimental group applied Mulligan’s SNAGs technique and the control group applied the placebo SNAGs technique. Results: Significant differences (p<.05) in the changes in pain, neck disability index (NDI) and Hamilton rating scale for depression (HRSD) were observed between the two groups. Conclusion: The application of Mulligan’s SNAG technique to patients with cervical headaches effectively reduced headache, depression, and neck dysfunction. Based on this study, Mulligan’s SNAGs technique can be used as an objective research method for additional studies targeting cervical headache patients in the future.


I. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구방법
1. 연구대상자
2. 실험방법
3. 측정방법
4. 분석방법
Ⅲ. 연구 결과
1. 연구대상자의 일반적 특성
2. SNAGs 기법 적용 전, 후 통증, 경부기능장애지수의 변화 비교
3. SNAGs 기법 적용 전, 후 우울증 척도의 변화
Ⅳ. 고찰
Ⅴ. 결론


  • 박재명 Jae-myoung Park. 서울특별시 서울의료원 재활의학센터
  • 신의주 Eui-joo Shin. 다산 퍼스트 정형외과의원
  • 홍현표 Hyun-pyo Hong. 종로 정형외과의원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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