


염색 후 유기산이 염색 유지력에 미치는 영향 - Succinic acid와 tartaric acid 중심으로


The Influence of Organic Acid on Color Retention after Dyeing - Focusing on succinic acid and tartaric acid


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



With the diversification and popularity of hair dyes, the alkali ingredient in hair dyes has caused hair damage, having a negative impact on hair color retention. According to studies on organic acid perms, organic acid inhibited alkali activity and reduced hair damage, enhancing wave formation and durability. Based on such results, this study attempted to investigate the influence of organic acids such as succinic acid and tartaric acid on color retention after dyeing by applying them as post treatment. The alkali substance in hair dyes accelerates their absorption into hair, but its residue can also cause hair damage. Since the dyes absorbed into hair cortex are easily leaked out, organic acids were used as post treatment, and the results found the followings: First, after coloring the bleached hair cherry red and blue silver, it was post-treated with succinic acid and tartaric acid. When changes in hair color were measured through repetitive shampooing, the experimental group (succinic acid/tartaric acid group) was better than a control group in terms of hair dye retention. Second, in terms of hair damage after hair dyeing, the experimental group was lower than a control group with high tensile strength, narrow pores and smooth hair texture. In other words, the post treatments ‘succinic acid’ and ‘tartaric acid’ prevented protein extraction by inhibiting hair swelling after neutralizing alkali on the hair. In other words, organic acids reduce hair damage and have a positive effect on hair color retention. The above results confirm that the development of post-dye treatments using organic acids reveal a positive influence on hair.


由于染发的多样化和大众化,染发剂的碱成分引起毛发损伤,阻碍颜色维持力。本研究将succinic acid和tartaric acid等有机酸作为染发后处理剂使用,研究了染发后上述有机酸对颜色维持力的效果。染发剂的碱成分有助于染料渗透到头发内部,但会残留在头发引起发质损伤。由于渗透到毛皮质的染料容易流出,因此将有机酸作为染发后处理剂确认了其效果。研究结果显示为如下:第一、在脱色头发上使用红樱桃色和蓝银色染色剂后,用succinic acid和tartaricacid进行处理反复洗发,头发颜色测试结果显示,使用succinicacid和tartaric acid的实验组比对照组更能维持染发颜色;第二、染发后,测试头发损伤程度结果显示,succinic acid和tartaric acid实验组的拉伸强度更高,头发气孔更小,头发表面更光滑,头发损伤程度较小。这是由于染发后处理剂succinic acid和tartaric acid将残留在头发上的碱进行中和,防止头发膨润蛋白质溶出。因此,有机酸减少头发损伤的同时,对染发发色的保持产生积极影响。以本研究结果为基础,有机酸作为染发后处理剂的产品开发将有助于发质的维护。


I. 서론
II. 이론적 배경
1. 염색의 원리
2. Succinic acid와 Tartaric acid
3. 유기산의 선행연구
III. 연구 방법
1. 실험 처리 방법
2. 실험 측정방법
IV. 연구결과
1. 통계분석
2. succinic acid와 tartaric acid의 후처리가 체리레드 염색에 미치는 영향
3. Succinic acid와 tartaric acid의 후처리가 블루실버염색에 미치는 영향
V. 결론


  • 정의정 Jung Yui Jung. 백석대학교 뷰티예술학부 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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