

통역의 숨겨진 차원 - 에드워드 홀의 비언어 범주를 중심으로


The Hidden Dimension of Interpreting: Focusing on the Non-verbal Category Defined by Edward Hall.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper deals with some of the nonverbal communication elements as an important para-textual component in interpreting on which few researchers have tried to provide reasons for insufficient academic criteria. From an abductive perspective, this paper organizes data according to Hall’s classification: gestures, facial expressions, and silence as nonverbal communication elements and time and space as nonverbal communication bases. These are not extra-messages created during the communication process, but the messages themselves. This study also discusses some cross-cultural differences in the body expression elements ranging from the head to legs. Facial expressions were disserted with smiling and eye contact. Silence was disserted in the categories of positive/negative. Time was disserted in the category of modern/premodern. Spaces were disserted by dividing in spacial sensibility itself and spacial sensibility with men, seating space. These findings will help us better understand and perform interpreting tasks.


1. 서론
2. 비언어 소통의 표현
2.1. 몸짓의 표현
2.2. 표정의 표현
2.3. 침묵의 차원
3. 비언어적 소통의 배경 : 시간과 공간
3.1. 시간에 대한 생각
3.2. 공간에 대한 생각
4. 결론 및 논의


  • 방교영 Bang, Gyoyoung. 한국외국어대학교 통번역대학원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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