

IT Marketing and Policy

Peer Network Based Shopping Mall Supporting platform with Metaverse Technique



Through this technology development, companies that operate online shopping malls and prospective startups will support education, consulting and expert group matching so that they can solve various issues that may arise in the course of the entire business life cycle, from startups to closures. It is expected that differentiated consulting programs will be designed for companies that currently operate shopping malls and start ups, and customized consulting programs will be provided to improve the effectiveness of consulting while improving customer satisfaction. It is planning to develop a "successful start-up and operation helper" that helps successful start-ups. It is a system that primarily diagnoses problems of prospective entrepreneurs and operators through an automation system at the start-up and operation stage, and professional consultants participate to derive and solve problems, and takes care of all stages of shopping mall birth and growth. In this paper Metaverse based shopping mall Creation is also discussed. Through Big Data creation these accumulated data, we intend to help operators start and operate shopping malls through accurate information by managing all knowledge of shopping malls as a system in the long run.


1. Introduction
2. Working Model
2.1 Business Trend
2.2 Business Model
2.3 System Structure
3. Conclusion and Future Works


  • Sea Woo Kim Asst. Professor SoongEui Women’s College, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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