

IT Marketing and Policy

The Structural Relationship among Viewing Motivation, Viewing Commitment, Reviewing Intention and Game Use Intention of e-Sports Competition Broadcasting



The purpose of this study is to investigate the structural relationship between the viewing motivation, viewing commitment, re-audience intention, and game use intention of e-sports competition broadcast viewers. According to the purpose of the study, an online survey was conducted on 300 college students with experience watching broadcasting of e-sports competitions. After excluding inappropriate data from 8 out of 300 people, 292 people's data were used for final data processing. For data processing, the validity and reliability were verified using SPSS 26 and AMOS 23, and then the research hypothesis was verified. We has the results were shown as follows. First, it was found that entertainment, social intercourse and vicarious satisfaction had a positive effect on viewing commitment, but information has not significantly effect on viewing commitment. Second, it was found that viewing commitment had a positive effect on reviewing intention and game use intention. Third, it was found that reviewing intention had a positive effect on game use intention.


1. Introduction
2. Research Hypothesis
2.1 The Relationship between Viewing Motivation and Commitment
2.2 Relationship between Viewing Commitment, Reviewing Intention, and Game Use Intention
3. Research Method
3.1 Research Subjects
3.2 Research Tools
3.3 Data Analysis
4. Results
4.1 Validity & Reliability Analysis
4.2 Fit of the Model & Hypothesis Test Results
5. Conclusion


  • Seyun Kim Assistant Professor, Department of Sport Management, Dankook University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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