


A study on changes in the food service industry about keyword before and after COVID-19 using big data



In this study, keywords from representative online portal sites such as NAVER, Google, and Youtube were collected based on text mining analysis technique using TEXTOM to check the changes in the restaurant industry before and after COVID-19. The collection keywords were selected as dining out, food service industry, and dining out culture. For the collected data, the top 30 words were derived, respectively, through the refinement process. In addition, comparative analysis was conducted by defining data from 2018 to 2019 before COVID-19, and from 2020 to 2021 after COVID-19. As a result, 8272 keywords before COVID-19 and 9654 keywords after COVID-19, a total of 17926 keywords, were derived. In order for the food service industry to develop after the COVID-19 pandemic, it is necessary to commercialize the recipes of restaurants to revitalize the distribution of home-use food products that replace home-cooked meals such as meal kits. Due to the social distancing caused by COVID-19, the dining out culture has changed and the trend has changed, and it has been confirmed that the consumption culture has changed to eating and delivering at home more safely than visiting restaurants. In addition, it has been confirmed that the consumption culture of existing consumers is changing to a trend of cooking at home rather than visiting restaurants.


1. Introduction
2. Research Method
3. Result
4. Conclusion


  • Sukjoon Jung Ph.D., Department of Business Administration in Hospitality and Tourism, Graduate school, Honam University, Korea


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