A study on perception of online classes - An Analysis based on Japanese class -
This paper compared and analyzed the results of a questionnaire about online lessons, focusing on Japanese class. The results obtained in this study are summarized as follows. First of all, regarding online class in general, students are (1) emphasize three factors largely technical, interacting,Physical aspects. Next (2) Real-time online class are recorded lessons It is possible that it cannot be solved with, but in the case of writing class (J3), Real-time online class. However, there is not much problem in the progress of the lesson, and the efficiency of the lesson is improved to make up for the weaknesses in the class. There is also a point to be gained. In the case of the last conversation class (J1, J2), (3) Recorded class will be launched. It is possible to repeat the practice of pronunciation and listening, but feel uneasy about practicing alone. It was seen that it could be supplemented by online lessons. Therefore, the conversation class will be recorded on the grammar side,and can be conversation practice easier. But on the other hand, feel anxious about pronunciation and practice. In online lessons, the interaction with students and professors depended on the quality of the lessons.
2. 先行研究
3. 研究方法
3.1 調査対象及び概要
3.2 授業構成及び方法
4. 結果
4.1 録画授業とオンライン授業に対する回答
4.2 教科別回答結果
4.3 会話授業に置ける回答結果
5. まとめ