


割り込み発話の研究 -中日トークショー番組における男女司会者の会話実態-


A Study of Interrupting Utterances - An investigation of the Conversations between Male and Female Hosts in Chinese and Japanese Talk Shows -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The data involved the interrupting utterances of male and female hosts in Chinese and Japanese talk shows were collected in the study, which intend to clarify the actual use of interrupting utterances acts between the male and female hosts. Specifically, taken male and female hosts from talk shows in above two countries as the subjects of the study, 80 conversational data on conversations with guests were collected for analysis. The results of the analysis demonstrated that male and female hosts frequently used the interjection function of “prompting for new information”, while the proportion of “making a common conversation appealing discourse” was higher in Japan. On the consideration for the characteristics on the location of interrupting utterances, it was found that Chinese hosts used the interrupting utterances in the “question” part. The interrupting utterances were often used by Japanese female hosts at the ”preoccu-pation”, except for at the “supplementation” and “comment”. In the conversation after the interrupting utterances, “the right to speak received by the interrupter” was often observed in the Chinese male hosts while the Japanese hosts is often seen to “continue the conversation of the interrupted person. In particular, Japanese male moderators often interjected in the form of complementing the speaker’s speech to ensure the smooth communication of each other.


1. はじめに
2. 先行研究及び本研究の位置付け
3. 研究方法
4. 調査結果及び考察
5. まとめ


  • 朴晶 박정. 高麗大學 日語日文学科 博士課程, 日本語教育


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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