

취약지역생활 여건개조 사업현황과 마을 경관구조의 형태심리학적 연구 - 컨설팅대상 마을을 중심으로 -


A Study on the Rebuilding Existences of Saethul Maul Project and Landscape Composing of Gestalt Psychology in the Vulnerable Villages - Focused on the Vulnerable Villages Consulted by Experts -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to rediscover the gestalt psychological value of the Landscaping structure and architectural landscape in the vulnerable village consulted by experts in 2021 year. For this study, nine villages called of Saethul Maul were surveyed, and two of them were analyzed for landscape composing of gestalt psychology. The two villages, Yulwon and Jeonchon, included the case where the landscaping structure of residence was viewed from outside the village and the case from within the village. Psychological distance of the villages is analyzed by D/H ratio for the scenery seen from lanes. There are three expected conclusions. First, in terms of gestalt psychology, the buildings mean a figure, and the rice field in front of the village, the mountains behind the village, and the lanes represent a landscape structure consisting a background(ground). It captures the unique landscape aesthetics of the vulnerable village. Second, the landscape seen in the village shows various differences in horizontal distance and vertical height of the lane, so even if the psychological distance gives a sense of closure, it gives a sense of rhythm and change. However, considering the psychological distance (D/H ratio) when the roads are expanded for the fire car, the village landscape can be re-formed by safety and function. Third, the architectural landscape of Yulwon village is characterized by the harmonious arrangement of traditional houses, Narack-Doiji (rice barn), and wooden building (agricultural barn) in the background of chestnut tree hill behind the village. It is necessary to reduce the use of industrial materials and restore the valuable architectural landscape of the vulnerable village.


1. 서론
1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
1.2 연구의 방법과 범위
2. 농촌마을의 개발에 관한 역사와 경관적 가치
2.1 근현대 농촌마을 개발의 흐름
2.2 취약지역생활 여건개조 마을 현황 및 마을의 경관구조분석의 필요성
3. 취약지역 마을의 경관구조 및 경관특징
3.1 조사대상 마을의 기반시설 및 환경개선 계획
3.2 마을 밖에서 본 마을경관구조의 특징
3.3 마을 안에서 본 마을경관구조의 특징
3.4 마을의 건축물 경관 특징
4. 결론


  • 정건채 Chong, Geon-Chai. 정회원, 남서울대학교 건축학과 교수, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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