

지역기반 종합가족센터 계획을 위한 건축요소 및 적용에 관한 연구


A Study on the Architectural Elements and Application of Region-Based Integrated Family Center


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study focused on the possibility of a integrated family center that focuses various welfare facilities in one place while communicating with local residents based on the region as a realistic alternative to systematically support various welfare needs of local residents in the community. The theoretical planning factors to be considered in the planning of a region-based Integrated Family Center are as follows. First, since the Integrated Family Center is a complex welfare facility with a comprehensive and complex concept, it is necessary to set the type and systematically combine the facilities accordingly. Second, the Integrated Family Center should play a role as an institution with expertise and universality by providing not only professional welfare services but also general public services, so it is necessary to have functionality and flexibility to meet these needs. Third, the Integrated Family Center should be planned with a design that is economical, environmentally conscious, and excludes disabilities. In addition, practical considerations that should be considered essential in actually conducting a region-based Integrated Family Center are as follows. First, the size of the facility based on accurate data such as statistics related to local residents and the program setting that predicts the needs of the local community and future changes should be preceded. Second, the basic functions of the building must be satisfied both inside and outside the building. Third, the plan of specialized facilities suitable for the conditions of the local community and the operation of practical programs based on demand should be properly carried out.


1. Introduction
1.1 Background and purpose1
1.2 Scope and method
2. Social welfare facilities
2.1 Definition and Scope
2.2 Type of Facilities
2.3 Current Status
3. Integrated Family Center
3.1 Definition
3.2 Related laws and regulations
3.3 Installation Criteria
3.4 Case Study
4. Elements of the Integrated Family Center
4.1 Types and Combination
4.2 Spatial Composition
4.3 Facilities and scale planning
5. Planning for a case project
5.1 Location
5.2 Building Outline
5.3 Architectural Planning
6. Conclusion


  • 김형언 Kim, Hyeong-Eon. 호원대학교 건축학과 부교수, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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