

가상자산거래소 파산시 반환청구권 - 일본 MTGOX사 비트코인거래소 파산채권 판례를 중심으로 -


Right to claim refund in case of bankruptcy of virtual asset exchange


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Mt. Gox was a bitcoin exchange based in Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan. Launched in 2010, it was handling over 70% of all bitcoin (BTC) transactions worldwide by early 2014, when it abruptly ceased operations amid revelations of its involvement in the loss/theft of hundreds of thousands of bitcoins, then worth hundreds of millions in US dollars. In February 2014, Mt. Gox suspended trading, closed its website and exchange service, and filed for bankruptcy protection from creditors. In April 2014, the company began liquidation proceedings. Although 200,000 bitcoins have since been “found”, the reasons for the disappearance—theft, fraud, mismanagement, or a combination of these— were initially unclear. New evidence presented in April 2015 by Tokyo security company WizSec led them to conclude that “most or all of the missing bitcoins were stolen straight out of the Mt. Gox hot cryptocurrency wallet over time, beginning in late 2011.” In the bankruptcy proceedings of Mt.Gox, which operated the virtual currency Bitcoin exchange, the user of the exchange claimed to have the right to claim the return of Bitcoin 35,000 BTC and converted it into Japanese yen. A total of more than 1.7 billion yen of the amount and late damages was reported as bankruptcy claims, but the bankruptcy trustee said that the user holding was only about 0.05 BTC on the claim investigation date, and 2,564 yen of the reported claims and late damages against it. Only 30 yen was accepted, and the remaining reported amount was not accepted. The user filed a claim with the bankruptcy court, but the bankruptcy court decided to allow the same amount as the amount approved by the bankruptcy trustee and not to allow the remaining amount. Therefore, the user filed the proceedings. The court has filed a filing by the bankruptcy trustee based on the Bitcoin balance of a particular account obtained by searching the database of the account information of the users of the Exchange held by Mt.Gox. The content of the approval or disapproval of the bankruptcy claim was accepted as it was, and the original decision was approved because there was no sufficient evidence to admit any more bankruptcy claims. The user also claimed that Bitcoin was lost due to the illegal withdrawal of Bitcoin from the Exchange by the representative of Mt.Gox, but the court tentatively claimed that the user had lost it. Even if there is such a fact, in that case Bitcoin has already been transferred to another place, and at the same time, Bitcoin claims (claims that require Bitcoin to be treated like currency: Bankruptcy Law, Article 103, Paragraph 2, Item 1a) Because of the nature of the “claims not intended to pay money”), the user did not have a coin claim against Mt.Gox at the start of bankruptcy proceedings. Judgment dismissed the user’s allegations.


2018년 가상재화의 대표적인 사례인 비트코인(Bitcoin)과 관련하여 교환소의 파산으로 코인채 권이 문제된 판결이 일본에서 내려졌다. 주식회사 MTGOX는 도쿄도에 거점을 둔 비트코인 교환 소로 2009년 트레이딩 카드 교환소로 설립되었다가, 2010년 비트코인 사업으로 전환하였다. 2011년 인수되어 계속 성장하였고, 2013년 4월 세계 비트코인 거래량의 70%를 차지하기까지 하였다. 2014년 2월 23일 MTGOX의 CEO가 비트코인 재단의 이사를 사임하면서, 동시에 Twitter 계정에 있던 투고를 삭제하였고, 24일 MTGOX는 모든 거래를 중지하고 몇 시간 후에 사이트가 지워져 빈 페이지가 되었다. MTGOX에 의해 744,408 비트코인이 손실되어 파산에 이르렀다고 전해지고 있다. 이 東京地判 2018년 1월 31일, 平成 29年(ワ) 第10977号, 破産債権査定異議事件 (認可(控訴)) 판결은 가상통화 비트코인의 교환거래소 운영회사의 파산절차에 있어서, 본건거래 소 이용자 X가 주장하는 잔고와 파산관재인 Y가 주장하는 잔고에 괴리가 있어, 파산법원의 채권 평가에 있어서 Y의 주장에 대해 X가 본건 소를 제기하였으나 그 주장이 배척된 사례이다.


Ⅰ. 序論
Ⅱ. 事實關係
Ⅲ. 判決要旨
Ⅳ. 判例의 分析
Ⅴ. 評釋
Ⅵ. 結論


  • 박수영 Park Sooyoung. 전북대학교 법학전문대학원 교수, 전북대학교 동북아법연구소 소장.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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