

인지지도를 활용한 ICT 중소벤처 지원정책 비교분석


Comparative Policy Analysis on ICT Small and Medium-sized Venture Using Cognitive Map Analysis

박은엽, 이중만

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze each government's ICT SME support policies to cope with changes in the ICT ecosystem paradigm. In particular, the core policies and policy trends of the Moon‘s government are presented through keyword network analysis and cognitive map analysis. As a result, core technologies such as ICT(Information Communication Technology), AI(Artificial Intelligence), Big Data, and 5G, which have high values of betweenness centrality and closeness centrality, are major keywords with high propagation power. The cognitive map analysis shows that the opportunity factors for the 4th industrial revolution are being activated through the ICT infrastructure circulation process, the domestic market circulation process, and the global market circulation process. This study is meaningful in terms of cognitive map analysis and utilization based on scientific analysis.


1. 서론
2. ICT중소벤처 기업정책 변천과정
2.1 국내 중소벤처 생태계 발전과정
2.2 이명박정부의 ICT중소벤처 기업지원 정책분석
2.3 박근혜정부의 ICT중소벤처 기업지원 정책분석
2.4 문재인정부의 ICT중소벤처 기업지원 정책분석
3. 연구방법론
3.1 키워드 네트워크 분석
3.2 인지지도 분석
4. 키워드 네트워크 분석과 인지지도 분석
4.1 키워드 네트워크 분석결과
4.2 인지지도 분석결과
5. 결론 및 시사점


  • 박은엽 Eunyub Park. Lecturer, Department of Economics, Pusan National University
  • 이중만 Jung Mann Lee. Professor, Department of Management of Digital Technology, Hoseo University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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