A Study on the Improvement of Fire Safety of Low Temperature Warehouse Reserving Government Agricultural Products - Focused on Urethane Panel Flame Retardant Performance -
Due to its charateristc, agricultural production is easily damaged its commercial value when it compares to industrial production. The main reason that needs low temperature storage warehouse is, however, it is hard to predict the supply-demand. The cold storage warehouse that can maintain the quality of panels and the thermal effect for a long period of time. Due to the nature of low temperature storate warehouse of government agricultural products, Urethane panel which is excellent in insulation effect, has energy saving effect, can shorten the construction period, and is cost effective, is widely used as a construction finishing material. While the demand for urethane panels in cold storage is steadily increasing due to their superior insulation performance and economic reasons, there are disadvantages of large fire damage in the event of a fire.
1. 서 론
2. 이론적 고찰
3. 관련 규정
4. 화재안전 개선 방안
5. 결 론