

가능화를 지향하는 작업치료 전문가로서의 공생


Occupational Therapists as an Enabling Professionals

지석연, 김슬기

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Professionals are necessary for society. Industrialization in fragmented modem society has increased the professional population and expanded the area of expertise. While there is a positive side to this, it can not be denied that the actions of people are reduced or even disabled, and the negative consequences of excessive professionals. Occupational therapists should have a viewpoint of enabling people not as ’Disabling professions’ commented by Ivan Illich(1977) but as ’Enabling professions’. Rather than seeing people as incapacitated and deficient, they should have a role of supporting people enable to participate in own life and ultimately to help people achieve life fulfillment. Occasionally, the social and external needs of occupational therapists focus on problems and focus on deficits and impairments, with little or no requests to enable occupation in life. Sometimes, occupational therapists have had a reputation that they only give possible services in the institution although citizens ask for ‘Enabling professions', then people don’t know the existence of this profession. Nonetheless, the occupational therapist must be the enabling health profession in supporting the change to enable the individual and cooperating with the individual to enable his/her occupation. Occupational therapists should maximize their efforts to provide minimal service which can be called 'minimal professionalism'. This is accomplished by minimizing the necessary passive services and empowering the individual when the individual is fully engaged in the occupation. Ultimately, occupational therapists should aware they are present in the community as professionals who coexist with individuals and soclety.


분업화된 현대사회에서 과도한 전문가주의(professionalism)는 개인이 가진 문제 해결 능력을 축소시키고 개인을 불능화하는 경향이 있다. 작업치료는 개인이 가진 능력과 자원을 통해 자신에 대한 권한을 가지고 활동에 참여하도록 하는 것을 본질로 한다. 하지만 정상화라는 사회적 요구에 따른 전문가로서의 작업치료사는 개인이 가진 문제를 진단하여 문제에 초점을 두고 문제를 해결하는 사람으로 개인을 불능화하는 오류를 낳게 된다. 작업치료사는 작업치료의 본질적 역할인 개인이 자기 삶의 주인이 되도록 하는 가능화의 전문가여야 하며 이를 위해 커뮤니티 안에서 협릭하고 당사자의 입장에서 필요를 다루는 최소한의 전문가주의를 지향해야 할 것이다.


I. 서론 : 전문가 위주의 사회
II. 본론
1. 작업치료 전문가들과 사회
2. 사회는 어떻게 변화하며, 우리에게 무엇을 요구하는가?
3. 작업치료사들은 어떤 전문가가 되어야 하는가?
III. 결론 : 전문가가 공존하는 사회에 관하여


  • 지석연 Ji, Seokyeon. 시소감각통합상담연구소
  • 김슬기 Kim, Seulgee. 대한작업치료사협회


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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