



Research on the Influencing Factors of Consumers' Impulse Purchase in the Context of China Live Streaming Sales


李振兴, 刘湖滨, 吴起涛

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The commodity is sold in the way which changes with the development of the times. The Chinese government vigorously supports the live streaming industry with the continuous impact of COVID-19 on the national economy and in order to stimulate consumption and speed up the domestic economic cycle. With the popularity of the live streaming industry and the stimulation of economic benefits, live streaming sales has become a new outlet for China's commodity sales. Although the live streaming sales is affected by factors such as price, the main reasons affecting consumers' sensory cognition are not only the commodity itself, but also the live streamer and users participating in the live streaming. Therefore, in live shopping, the interaction between the streamer and users, the one between users, and the perceived entertainment of the live streaming environment are particularly important. Based on the existing literature, this study integrates the factors that have significant impacts on online purchase intention and impulse purchase behavior, and uses the perceived value as an intermediary variable to verify the influence relationship between each factor and impulse purchase. In addition, on this basis, this study adds a time pressure factor and a conformity tendency factor to verify the impact mechanism of time pressure and conformity tendency on consumers' impulse purchase in the live shopping environment. Taking S-O-R theory as the research model, this study divides the characteristics of live streaming sales into trust, Product Discount, online interaction, perceived entertainment, time pressure and conformity tendency as the influencing variables of consumers' impulse purchase, and verifies whether the perceived value has the intermediary effect in trust, Product Discount, online interaction, perceived entertainment, time pressure and impulse purchase. Through data analysis, the study proves that trust, Product Discount, perceived entertainment, time pressure and conformity tendency have significant impacts on consumers' impulse purchase behavior in the context of live streaming sales. In addition, the perceived value has a direct intermediary effect between trust and impulse purchase behavior, and has a partial intermediary effect between perceived entertainment, time pressure and impulse purchase behavior.


1. 前言
2. 文献综述与假设提出
2.1 信任
2.2 商品优惠
2.3 在线互动
2.4 感知娱乐性
2.5 时间压力
2.6 从众倾向
2.7 感知价值
3. 研究方法与问卷设计
3.1 研究方法
3.2 问卷设计
4. 数据分析结果
4.1 样本的人口特征统计分析
4.2 信效度分析
4.3 验证性因子分析
4.4 假设验证分析
4.5 中介效果检验
5. 结论
5.1 研究结果
5.2 研究贡献
5.3 管理启示
5.4 研究局限性和未来研究方向


  • 李振兴 이진흥. 经营信息学院, 新罗大学
  • 刘湖滨 류호빈. 艺术经营专业, 韩国世宗大学
  • 吴起涛 오기도. 人文社会科学学院, 新罗大学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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