

The Influence of Live Broadcast Program of Individual Televison Station in China on Consumers’ Purchase Intention


Zhan Naining, Kim Bo-Jun, Oh Dae-Won

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The poverty alleviation live broadcast special program “let’s go, brother!” created by Hunan TV station of China, integrates variety show, evening party and live delivery with goods, and activates the positive energy of innovation and dissemination of mainstream media and the potential and vitality of carrying forward the main melody with brand dominance and professional advantages, forming a distinct style different from the existing live broadcasting withgoods. Guided by general secretary Xi Jinpin’s precise poverty alleviation strategy, the program innovating the new mode of “live television and electricity supplier with goods”. The TV poverty alleviation large-scale live broadcast activity, through the audience’s favorite innovative literature and art situation. Based on the four characteristics of the new mainstream media, this paper constructs a research model of customer perceived affective value social value and consumer purchase intention. Taking customer perceived affective value and perceived social value as mediating variables, this paper studies the impact of new mainstream media broadcast on consumers’ purchase intention. Among them, the independent variables are the content quality, highly interactive brand dominance and value-added content of the new mainstream media.In the dimension of customer perceived value, perceived affective value and perceived social value are used as mediating variables to verify the independent variable in the process of live broadcast of new mainstream media.


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Literature review
Ⅲ. Research
Ⅳ. Data analysis
Ⅴ. Conclusions


  • Zhan Naining Master, Department of Global Business, Graduate School of Kyonggi University
  • Kim Bo-Jun Ph.D Candidate, Renmin University of China
  • Oh Dae-Won Professor, Graduate School Of Technology Management Kyunghee Univerisity


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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