

<Special Features 3 : New Anthropological Visions of the Humanity: from Semiotics to Anthropogeny>

Prolégomène à une sémiotique du Covid-19 : agentivité, narrativité, temporalité


Sung Do KIM

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this article is to consturct the problematics of the semiotics of Covid-19. There are three main dimensions of this inquiry which are agentivity, narrativity, temporality. In the first section, the author attempted to apprehend 6 semiotic features of the pandemic which are ethical, political, axiological, ontological, epistemological, methodological. In the second section, some semiotic isotopies of the narrative discursivity of the Covid-19 are suggested. In terms of the temporality, the non-linearity is underlined. In conclusion, this work insisted on the necessity of constructing the concept of deep narrativity and the infinite responsibility of the human beings.


1. La mise au point: l’enjeu sémiotique du Covid-19
2. Les dimensions sémiotiques du Covid-19
3. Trois problématiques ontologico-épistémologiques de la sémiotique du Covid-19
3-1. La question de l’agentivité
3-2. La narrativité
3-3. La temporalité
4. Conclusion : vers une narrativité profonde et une responabilité infinie


  • Sung Do KIM Professor of semiotics, linguistic and visual theories at Korea University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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