

<Special Features 1 : Political Regimes in the Visual Representation and Social Media>

A transdisciplinary Study on Museums in Korea as Cultural Mediators Centring on the Asia Culture Centre in the Era of Digital Transformation


Gyeyeon Park

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Based on epistemological changes in museums, this study aims to explore the role of museums as cultural mediators in the era of digital transformation, while ascertaining changes in the museum mediation arising in tandem with the development of digital technology. By examining two cases of the Asia Culture Centre (ACC) from an actor-network perspective, this study delves into the complicated interactions and alliance processes among various interested parties - political, economic, social, cultural, and technological actors - and power generated through their relationships and shared across them. This study will pave the way for active discussions on how to assist museums in adopting a convergence approach to digital technology and integrating it into their practices in an efficient and timely manner.


1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Foundation
(1) Cultural mediation : Backgrounds and developments
(2) Incorporating ANT into cultural mediation
3. The ACC as a Cultural Mediator: Application of ANT
(1) Establishment of an institution: Effects generated in the network of diverse actors
(2) Implementation and diffusion of knowledge:  analysed from ANT
4. Conclusion


  • Gyeyeon Park Visual Culture Studies, College of Liberal Arts, Graduate School, Korea University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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