Review of the Herbal Medicine Guidelines Process : Focus on the Need to Use Service Schemes
In this study, the main prescriptive contents that should be included when oriental pharmacists provide medication guidelines in oriental medicine hospitals and the types of medication guidelines for each patient are summarized. The intent was to provide basic data that could assist in the establishment of pharmacological treatment guidelines. Most of the questions that patients ask about the use and drug action, and other questions about side effects, storage methods, drug names, drug interactions, and precautions in daily life are the main questions. In addition, the classification ofmedication instructions according to patient behavior can be divided into medication instructions in the medical consultation window, medication instructions in the medication consultation room, medication guide in the clinic, group medication guide, and medication guide for discharged patients. The purpose of the Herbal Medicine Administration Guidelines is to provide appr opriate guidance and advice by an oriental physician or herbalist so that patients c an undertake effective and safe medicinal therapy without worry. In order to solve the problems caused by the patient's non-compliance with medicines, first, the gui dance and advice of the oriental pharmacist is needed so that the patient can accu rately understand his disease and fully understand the necessity of taking the med icine. At this time, it is believed that the Oriental pharmacist should cooperate full y with the physician of Oriental medicine as an expert in herbal medicine to direct the medicine. In addition, it is expected that oriental medicine hospitals will be abl e to build a higher level of drug routing service process using service blueprint te chnology for this series of pharmacovigilance operations.
Ⅰ. 서론
1. 용법
2. 약리작용
3. 부작용
4. 보관법
5. 약품명
6. 약물상호작용
7. 기타
Ⅲ. 복약지도의 종류
1. 복약상담 창구에서의 복약지도
2. 복약 상담실에서의 복약지도
3. 진료실에서의 복약지도
4. 집단형태의 복약지도
5. 퇴원환자에 대한 복약지도
Ⅵ. 서비스 청사진의 활용
1. 서비스 청사진의 개요
2. 서비스 청사진의 구성
3. 서비스 청사진의 효과
Ⅴ. 결론