

A Comparative Study on the Response to Public Health Crisis in Korea and China: COVID-19 Pandemic Disease


Linpei Zhai, Jae Eun Lee

피인용수 : 1(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is to review a series of measures taken by China and South Korea in response to the COVID-19 epidemic and get some lessons from the cases of two countries. As of October 7, 2020, the COVID-19 is still raging in the world. China and South Korea have basically controlled the further deterioration of the epidemic, but the loss to the socio-economic and people’s lives and safety of the two countries is irreversible. This has once again knocked the crisis & emergency management work of the two governments, and at the same time, this epidemic was a major test for the perfection of emergency management systems in countries around the world. When a public crisis occurs, how to respond quickly and effectively, and build a rapid and effective emergency management system to ensure the steady development of the social economy, respect and maintain the safety of people's lives, is a problem that government departments and managers must think about. Major results of this research are as follows; ① Early Identification of Dangers and Rapid Response, ② Rapid and Complete Quarantine Measures, ③ Tracking the Path of the Diagnosed Person, ④ Citizen Participation to Perform Social Responsibility.


I. Introduction
II. Theoretical Background
1. Meaning and Process of Crisis Management
2. Literature Review
III. Coronavirus Outbreak in China and Korea
1. Coronavirus Outbreak in China
2. Coronavirus Outbreak in Korea
IV. Comparative Analysis of The Measures Taken by The Governments of China and Korea Response to COVID-19
1. Response to the COVID-19 Epidemic in China
2. Response to the COVID-19 Epidemic in Korea
V. Lessons from China and Korea
1. Early Identification of Dangers and Rapid Response
2. Rapid and Complete Quarantine Measures
3. Tracking the Path of the Diagnosed Person
4. Citizen Participation to Perform Social Responsibility
VI. Conclusion


  • Linpei Zhai 적림배. Department of Public Administration and a researcher of National Crisisonomy Institute at Chungbuk National University
  • Jae Eun Lee 이재은. Department of Public Administration and a researcher of National Crisisonomy Institute at Chungbuk National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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