

Research on Seismic Scenario Simulation Method in Urban System




Earthquake was called The Head of Catastrophe in many countries because of its sudden, wide-ranging, and severe loss characteristics. Due to the density of people, economy and buildings in cities, the development and evolution of the earthquake disaster chain presents more complex and varied systemic features. There have been many studies of seismic scenarios, most of which focus on the simulation of the disaster itself, but little attention has been paid to the disaster mechanism and its control methods within the urban system. In the view of urban systemic characteristics, this paper analyzes the evolution and development of earthquake disaster scenarios in urban systems. Based on the interaction of various elements of the urban system, the content system of urban seismic scenario research is clarified. Finally, considering the dual scenarios of disaster and response, an urban seismic scenario construction method is proposed which covers risk assessment, disaster simulation, task and capability matching, emergency preparedness plan. We hope that this research can develop the urban earthquake scenario research and provide reference for the earthquake disaster reduction.


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. The Seismic scenario in urban systems
1. Earthquake Disaster Chains in Urban Systems
2. Evolutionary Models of Seismic Scenarios in Urban Systems
Ⅲ. What to Study in An Urban Seismic Scenario
1. Seismic R isk Database
2. Seismic Capacity Analysis of Buildings
3. Seismic Capacity Evaluation of Lifeline
4. Planning Emergency Shelters
5. Emergency Support Capacity
6. Public Safety Education
7. Emergency Planning and Drilling
8. Regional Industrial Planning
9. The Security of Urban Space Layout
Ⅳ. How to Simulate Seismic Scenario in Urban System
1. Seismic Risk Prediction
2. Earthquake Scenario Analysis
3. Matching Evaluation of Emergency Task-Capability
4. Emergency Preparedness System
Ⅴ. Application of Scenario Simulation: A Case of Seismic Victims in a District of Beijing
1. Seismic Scenario Prediction
2. Seismic Victims Analysis
3. Tasks of Seismic Victims Relief
4. Capacity of Seismic Victims Relief
5. Matching Evaluation of The Task-Capability
6. Response Plan of Seismic Victims Relief
Ⅵ. Conclusions


  • Jianfei Wang 왕건비. Key Laboratory of earthquake engineering and Engineering Vibration, Institute of Engineering Mechanics, China Earthquake Administration
  • Huiyan Wang 왕혜언. Institute of Disaster Prevention
  • Jingfa Zhang 장경발. The Institute of Crustal Dynamics, China Earthquake Admnistration
  • Qiang Li 이강. The Institute of Crustal Dynamics, China Earthquake Admnistration


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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