

Culture Information Technology (CIT)

Research of Character Design in Side-scrolling Horror Puzzle Games



The third-person side view game perspective of side-scrolling games makes playing such games a completely different gaming experience from other traditional games. Nowadays, many game elements are combined with each other, and horror and puzzle elements are often combined to appear in side-scrolling games, bringing players a unique gaming experience. In such games, players seem to be watching their own manipulation of characters. The performance is the same as a stage play, so how to let players better experience such a horror and puzzle-solving stage play through the design of the characters is a key point. However, it is often difficult to accurately classify only from game elements, so first of all, the author will explain the game division of the side scrolling horror puzzle game. After that, this article will analyze the character designs in the three works with high sales and good reputation on Steam, and then draw conclusions.


1. Introduction
2. Side-scrolling horror puzzle games
2.1 Features of side scrolling games
2.2 Classification of side-scrolling horror puzzle games
3. Source of horror
4. Character design features in side-scrolling horror puzzle games
4.1 Character’s age
4.2 Character’s face
4.3 Character’s cloth
5. Conclusion


  • Qi Yi Doctor, Dept. of Multimedia, Gradute School of Digital Image and Contents, Dongguk University, Korea
  • Jeanhun Chung Professor, Dept. of Multimedia, Gradute School of Digital Image and Contents, Dongguk University, Korea


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