With the emergence of the new era of the 4th industrial revolution, compute-bound workloads with large memory footprint like big data processing increase dramatically. Even in such compute-bound workloads, however, we observe bulky I/Os while loading big data from storage to memory. Although file I/O cache plays a role of accelerating the performance of storage I/O, we found out that the cache hit rate in such environments is not improved even though we increase the file I/O cache capacity because of some special I/O references generated by compute-bound workloads. To cope with this situation, we propose a new file I/O cache management policy that improves the cache hit rate for compute-bound workloads significantly. Trace-driven simulations by replaying file I/O reference logs of compute-bound workloads show that the proposed cache management policy improves the cache hit rate compared to the well-acknowledged CLOCK algorithm by a large margin.
1. Introduction
2. File I/O Cache Performance in Compute-bound Workloads
3. File I/O Cache Management for Compute-bound Workloads
4. Simulation Experiments
5. Conclusion