The researcher analyzed the life of a female homosexual who had to marry a man in order to adapt without being criticized among many heterosexuals by the postmodern qualitative research method according to Lacan's 'the passage of the act' theory. The participant of this study decided on their own independent life through a divorce after experiencing their father's coercion to marry men, bullying due to homosexual tendencies, fear of sexual identity being discovered in the church, marriage for socialization, fear of sexual behavior, and guilt of cheating and marrying homosexuals. After divorce, the research participant maintained a friendship with her husband, and was disconnected from her parents, and became more friendly with her siblings. She was leaving the church that treats homosexuality as a sin and attending the church that accepts the research participant, and is making a relationship that supports her regardless of sexual identity. The researcher was able to confirm the difficulties of homosexuals living in many heterosexual cultures through the postmodern qualitative research process, and it was difficult to criticize her marriage, even if it was a lie. This was because it was not only a lie of the research participant but also a problem of social gaze. The social perspective should be changed so that 'the passage of the act' does not occur dangerously and subjectivity can appear in discourse.
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Theoretical Background
1. Lesbian who Married to a Man
2. Acting Out and the Passage of the Act
Ⅲ. Research Method
1. Postmodern Qualitative Study
2. Data collection and Research Participant
3. Data Analysis
Ⅳ. Research result
1. The Man Represents the Family
2. Contemplate with Sexual Orientation
3. Decide to Marry a Man
4. Parting from Lover and Marriage with Senior
5. The Passage of the Act-divorce
Ⅴ. Conclusion