


전방충돌시 착좌자세에 따른 Submarining현상의 분석 및 벨트시스템 개선에 관한 연구


A Study on the Analysis of Submarining and Belt System Improvement According to Seating Positions in Frontal Collision

김연우, 윤준규, 임종한



Recently, due to the rapid increase in vehicle accidents, research on improving seat belts and restraint system are being actively on going to solve the problems in vehicle for passengers. The characteristics of lap belt load and pelvic displacement were simulated through MADYMO program using Hybrid III 50th percentile male dummy to analyze the submarining by changing the collision speed and seat back angle by applying the forward collision pulse form accident scenario. As a result, the submarining occurred when the seat-back angle was 60° or higher at the collision speed of 50km/h or higher. Lastly, using the characteristics of the lap belt load and pelvic displacement when the anti-submarining belt (ANSB) system adapted, the pelvic displacement was reduced as well as submarining.


1. 서론
2. 모델해석
2.1 전방충돌시험
2.2 MADYMO 해석모델
2.3 전방충돌해석
3. 결과 및 고찰
3.1 시뮬레이션 유효성 검증
3.2 Submarining 현상 분석
3.3 Lap belt 하중의 특성
3.4 골반 이동량의 특성
3.5 ANSB벨트 적용의 특성
4. 결론


  • 김연우 Yeon-Woo Kim. Member, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate school, Gachon University
  • 윤준규 Jun-Kyu Yoon. Member, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Gachon University
  • 임종한 Jong-Han Lim. Member, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Gachon University


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