

Designing Study on Techno-Economic Assessment of Solar Photovoltaic Mini-Grid Project in Nepal



This paper presents the comprehensive feasibility study of solar mini-grid project located in Bajhang District, Sudur Paschim Province, Nepal. The study has been conducted with the aim of developing a suitable size solar mini-grid system to meet electricity demand of proposed settlements of the village people. The study forecasts that the estimated average daily peak power consumption of load is about 20kW and average daily energy demand of load is about 100-150kWh/day in the base year 2022. The shared ratio of productive end uses is about 25% of the total power consumption and about 27% of the total energy demand, which will be used for small business/income generation activities and required 45kWp size solar power generation mini-grid system. The estimated project cost for the proposed 45kW solar mini-grid system technology, including 3 years of operation & maintenance, as well as power distribution network up to end user’s premises is about 0.24 million USD. It is concluded that 45kWp photovoltaic mini-grid is feasible for the location.


1. Introduction
2. Mini-Microgrid Techonology
3. Solar Mini-Grid Status in Nepal
4. Methodology
5. Energy Resource Assessment and Demand Analysis
5.1. Household energy demand
5.2. Productive uses and public demand
5.3. Solar mini-grid system sizing and energy production estimate
5.4. Financial analysis
6. Conclusion


  • Prasis Poudel Department of Multimedia Engineering Graduate School, Mokpo University
  • Sang-Hyun Bae Department of Computer Science and Statistics, Chosun University
  • Bongseog Jang Department of Multimedia Engineering Graduate School, Mokpo University


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