

Technology Convergence (TC)

A Method for Effective Mobile Electronic Notification Service of Private Institutions




Traditionally, postal services that produce and deliver paper-based notices have been the mainstream. The reason is that it has the function of distribution and proof of delivery in the postal delivery system as well as the advantage of information delivery through postal delivery. After all, for the purpose of distribution and proof of delivery, many organizations use paper-based postal notices. However, in recent years, it has been in the spotlight to produce a paper-based postal notice as an electronic notice and deliver information to a mobile device through the Internet. In this paper, we propose a safe interworking method for user identification information required for private institutions to transmit mobile electronic notices. In order for a private institution to accurately deliver an electronic notice to a mobile service subscriber, a means to confirm whether the private institution and the mobile device subscriber are the same person is required. In the mobile electronic notification service, the connecting information provided by the personal identity proofing agency is used as a means of user identification. Connecting information is called a resident registration number on the Internet and is one-way hash information that can only be created by the personal identity proofing agency designated by the government. In order to transmit a mobile electronic notice, it is necessary to share connecting information for the same user identification between the institution that requests the sending of the electronic notice and the institution that processes the sending of the electronic notice. Connecting information is personal information that can uniquely identify a user, and if it is disclosed, damage such as personal information infringement may occur. As such, it is necessary to prevent problems that may arise from misuse and abuse of connecting information as well as increase in the benefits of sending the mobile electronic notice. In this paper, a safe and effective mobile electronic notification service can be performed by suggesting a method for safe interworking of information related to the mobile electronic notification service.


2.1 Security standards for connecting information
2.2 Conversion service for connecting information
2.3 Connecting information conversion service processing flow
2.4 Criteria for using connecting information


  • JongBae Kim Professor, Dept. of Software Engineering, Sejong Cyber Univ., Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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