

Academic Session 4-A : International Conference Presentation(Ⅲ) 국제학술발표(Ⅲ)

System Identification of Vehicle Dynamics Using Recurrent Neural Networks




This paper presents the data-driven modeling based on recurrent neural network (RNN) for the system identification of vehicle dynamics. For the accurate control of an autonomous vehicle, a sophisticated model of the vehicle dynamics is required. Data-driven modeling can achieve such a model only with the data obtained from the target. A simulation result by using the data from a driving simulator is included to test the feasibility of the RNN for the system identification of a ground vehicle.


  • Jin-Gyu An Autonomous Navigation Laboratory Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Inha University Incheon, Korea
  • Jong-Hoon Won Autonomous Navigation Laboratory Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Inha University Incheon, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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