

Academic Session 3-B : International Conference Presentation(Ⅱ) 국제학술발표(Ⅱ)

Socio-economic Factors Affecting Social Acceptance on Autonomous Vehicles in Korea : focused on effects of prior knowledge on AVs




The purpose of this study is to examine current status of social acceptance for autonomous vehicles and drive socio-economic parameters that have major effects on their perception. Especially, this research focused on the effects of prior knowledge on autonomous vehicles. To examine the perception, authors conducted surveys recruiting 1,000 respondents drawn from general public. Ordinal logistic regression model was adopter for analyzing parameters. The authors found that socio-economic factors including age and marital status along with prior knowledge on autonomous vehicles had significant effects on ponderers’ perception.


  • Sun A Cho Dept. of Mobility Transformation Korea Transport Institute Sejong City
  • Kyuok Kim Center for Future Vehicles Korea Transport Institute Sejong City

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※ 학술발표대회집, 워크숍 자료집 중 4페이지 이내 논문은 '요약'만 제공되는 경우가 있으니, 구매 전에 간행물명, 페이지 수 확인 부탁 드립니다.

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