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Agent for Home Server Management in Intelligent Smart Home Network



The intelligent home network system integrates various devices in the home into one communication network to provide information sharing, control, and operation environment between devices. This intelligent home network system operates around a home server. Home appliances in the era of the 4th industrial revolution will have numerous home servers in logical areas as the intelligent home network in the home accelerates. Therefore, the need for systematic management of home servers is emerging. We propose an agent system for efficient intelligent smart home server management. The agent system monitors the home server and operating environment for home server management of the intelligent smart home network. By referring to this monitored information, the service module of the home server is managed, and the home server is dealt with whether it is normal or not. In addition, by referring to the information collected by the service agent created in the group management server while migrating the home server, it is possible to deal with integrated meter reading, crime prevention, and topics. And when a new service is applied to the home server, it is registered in the management server and distributed to the home server through the agent, so that the intelligent smart home network can be efficiently managed.


1. Introduction
2. Related Work
3. Intelligent Home Network Group Management
4. Agent-based Intelligent Home Network Management
4.1 Intelligent Home Network Group Management Structure
4.2 Intelligent Home Network Group Management Structure
5. Conclusion


  • Seok-Jae Moon Professor, Department of Artificial Intelligence Institute of Information Technology, KwangWoon University, Korea
  • HyoYoung Shin Professor, Department of Software Convergence, Kyungbok University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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