

Other IT related Technology

Proposal for AI Video Interview Using Image Data Analysis



In this paper, the necessity of AI video interview arises when conducting an interview for acquisition of excellent talent in a non-face-to-face situation due to similar situations such as Covid-19. As a matter to be supplemented in general AI interviews, it is difficult to evaluate the reliability and qualitative factors. In addition, the AI interview is conducted not in a two-way Q&A, rather in a one-sided Q&A process. This paper intends to fuse the advantages of existing AI interviews and video interviews. When conducting an interview using AI image analysis technology, it supplements subjective information that evaluates interview management and provides quantitative analysis data and HR expert data. In this paper, image-based multi-modal AI image analysis technology, bioanalysis-based HR analysis technology, and web RTC-based P2P image communication technology are applied. The goal of applying this technology is to propose a method in which biological analysis results (gaze, posture, voice, gesture, landmark) and HR information (opinions or features based on user propensity) can be processed on a single screen to select the right person for the hire.


1. Introduction
2. Related Studies
2.1 WebRTC Technology and Image Analysis Technology
2.2 Trends of AI Interview Technology
3. AI Video Interview Configuration
3.1 Image Analysis Processing and HR Analysis Configuration by Job
3.2 Configuring AI Conversational Interview Processing
4. AI Video Interview Implementation Plan
5. Conclusion


  • Jong-Youel Park Professor, Dept. of Smart IT, Baewha Women’s University, Korea
  • Chang-Bae Ko Professor, Department of Business Administration, Kyungdong University, Korea


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