

Convergence of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication

Efficient Driver Attention Monitoring Using Pre-Trained Deep Convolution Neural Network Models



Recently, due to the development of related technologies for autonomous vehicles, driving work is changing more safely. However, the development of support technologies for level 5 full autonomous driving is still insufficient. That is, even in the case of an autonomous vehicle, the driver needs to drive through forward attention while driving. In this paper, we propose a method to monitor driving tasks by recognizing driver behavior. The proposed method uses pre-trained deep convolutional neural network models to recognize whether the driver's face or body has unnecessary movement. The use of pre-trained Deep Convolitional Neural Network (DCNN) models enables high accuracy in relatively short time, and has the advantage of overcoming limitations in collecting a small number of driver behavior learning data. The proposed method can be applied to an intelligent vehicle safety driving support system, such as driver drowsy driving detection and abnormal driving detection.


1. Introduction
2. Proposed Method
3. Experimental Results
4. Conclusions


  • JongBae Kim Department of Software Engineering, Sejong Cyber University, Seoul, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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