

Convergence of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication

Model-based Analysis of Urban Community Logistics Courier Terminal System using Vacant Space



The growth of online market is accelerating due to the development of technology and the era of pandemic. In order to deliver the ordered product to customers courier service should be used. In addition, the courier logistics market is growing with the growth of the online market. With the growth of the logistics market, traffic and environmental problems are emerging as social issues. Logistics technology of urban community logistics courier terminal system utilizing vacant space in the city has been developed as a new alternative to environment and traffic problems by increasing logistics efficiency in the city area. In this study, we propose a concept of a system that performs operational concept definition and scenario analysis by applying model-based perspective analysis to urban community logistics courier terminal system under development. Through this study, we defined the operating concept of the urban community logistics courier terminal, which is the target of development, and defined the scenario for system operation by grasping the structure and function of the system and applied it to system development.


1. Introduction
2. Definition of Problem
2.1 Development of the System for the Urban Community Logistics Courier Terminal
2.2 Model-based Systems Engineering Analysis
2.3 Related Research
2.4 Objective and Perspective
3. System Analysis of Model-based Perspectives
3.1 System Analysis of Model-based Structural Perspectives
3.2 System Analysis of Model-based Behavioral Perspectives
4. Conclusion


  • Jae Min Park Ph. D. Candidate, Department of Systems Engineering, Ajou University, 206, World cup-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
  • Young Hoon Kim Principal Researcher, Advanced Logistics System Department, Korea Railroad Research Institute, 176 Cheldo bangmulgwan-ro, Uiwang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
  • Joo Uk Kim Senior Researcher, Advanced Logistics System Department, Korea Railroad Research Institute, 176 Cheldo bangmulgwan-ro, Uiwang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
  • Young Min Kim Professor, Department of Systems Engineering, Ajou University, 206, World cup-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea


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