

전통시장 화재 발생원인 및 예방에 관한 고찰


A Study on the Causes and Prevention of Fires in Traditional Markets

오은식, 김수영

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



With the recent occurrence of large-scale fires in traditional markets, the study was conducted to use them as basic data to prevent fire accidents in traditional markets that can develop into large fires for a moment. Although the traditional market is being transformed into a new form due to the recent market modernization project, the structure of a large number of stores in a narrow space remains. If a fire occurs due to this structure, it is easy to connect to a large fire. In this regard, an experiment was conducted to check the temperature change of each wire standard through wire overcurrent and whether short circuit breakers and arc breakers were cut off through outlet tracking. Through the experimental results and fire cases, the prevention of fire in traditional markets and system improvement were studied.


1. 서론
2. 본론
2.1 재래시장 현황
2.2 전기적 요인에 의한 전통시장 화재 사례
2.3 전통시장 전기시설 실태 확인
2.4 전기적 요인에 의한 화재발생 재연실험
3. 결론 및 제언
3.1 결론
3.2 제도개선 및 제언


  • 오은식 Eun-sik Oh. 경주소방서
  • 김수영 Su-Yeong Kim. 경주소방서


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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