


State Immunity as applied to the Japanese Military as Purchaser and Joint Tortfeasor : Case of Korean ‘comfort women’


구매자와 공동 불법행위자로서 일본군에 적용되는 국가면책특권 : 한국의 ‘위안부’ 사례

Kyung Sin Park

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The redress and reparation efforts for the “comfort women” of the Japanese military during the Pacific War have been hampered in their home countries by the state immunity doctrine. In this paper, we first evaluate the current state of jurisprudence on state immunity doctrine, especially as expressed in the seminal 2012 Ferrini ICJ decision. There the concept of “armed forces” has been emphatically commandeered to bolster the strict application of state immunity, and a full legal analysis under the state immunity doctrine, namely, that of the putative exception of “territorial torts,” was cut short by the court upon their finding of the element of “armed conflicts”, “armed forces”. However, the reason for making exceptions to state immunity is that state actions are sometimes not exercises of sovereignty but private commercial acts such as e.g., hiring, contracting, property owning or private civil acts such as negligently causing damages inside the forum state, etc. Japan’s mobilization and maintenance of ‘comfort women’ and ‘comfort stations’ does not constitute ‘armed conflicts’, the quintessential exercises of sovereignty. It was the result of colonialism whereby men and women of occupied territories within the empire were forced into most subservient and inhumane roles in the intra-empire economy supplying its imperial war efforts. The evolution of jurisprudence on exceptions to state immunity should not be shut down easily with respect to ‘comfort women’ issues on the ground of a nexus to “armed forces”, “armed conflicts.” For subject matter relevance, the less well-known 1992 Weltover decision of the US Supreme Court interpreting the American codification of the state immunity doctrine is instructive, where it characterized purchase of bullets and other military supplies as a commercial act exempt from state immunity. Such shut-down of the full analysis is especially worrying because it is during ‘armed conflicts’ that worst tragedies especially against women take place and they happen at the hands of ‘armed forces’. The Japanese military, as the end-customer of ‘comfort services’, solicited/procured and paid for ‘comfort services’ to reduce the cost of the war. These private legal acts incentivized the private contractors into recruiting Korean women already impoverished under colonialism by deceit and into treating the Korean women thus recruited harshly and inhumanely during the ‘comfort services’. Throughout the relevant periods, the Japanese military set the specifications of the services to be delivered, exercising its prerogative as the end-customer and primary contractor. It is for this role as a joint tortfeasor in the “territorial tort” of fraudulent human trafficking and also as a purchaser in the “commercial activity “ of purchasing ‘comfort services’ that the modern Japanese government should be held accountable in a Korean court of law despite state immunity.


주권면제원리는 태평양전쟁 중의 일본군 ‘위안부’ 문제 피해자들이 자국에서 배상 을 받기 어렵게 하고 있어 우선 주권면제이론의 현재 상황 특히 2012년도 페리니 판 결을 중심으로 살펴보았을 때 ‘군사력’ 및 ‘군사분쟁’이 강조되면서 정작 재판부가 다 루려고 했던 ‘영토내 불법행위’ 예외에 대한 심도있는 논의가 이루어지지 않았다는 점을 알 수 있다. 주권면제에 대해 예외를 인정하는 이유가 국가의 행동이 주권의 행사가 아닌 사법적 상업적 행위 즉 채용, 하도급, 소유, 과실 등에 해당할 수 있음을 고려할 때 , 일본정부가 ‘위안부’를 동원한 것은 ‘군사력’이나 ‘군사분쟁’의 일부라기 보다는 당시 식민주의체제의 최하층의 피식민들이 억압받던 상황에서 최악의 조건에 서 전시체제에 동원되었던 현상의 일부였으며 ‘군사력’, ‘군사분쟁’의 관련성이 있다는 이유만으로 주권면제 예외론에 대한 심의를 중단해서는 아니된다. 도리어 1992년 미 국연방대법원이 주권면제이론을 법제화한 외국주권면제법을 해석하면서 군사력과 관련이 있더라도 ‘총알을 구매하는 행위는 상업적 행위’라고 했던 웰트오버 판결의 교훈이 유익하다. 일본군은 ‘위안서비스’의 최종고객이자 원청업자로서 이 ‘서비스’를 사주, 조달 및 구매하여 전비를 아끼려고 하였다. 이 사법적 행위는 민간업자들이 식민체제하에서 빈곤에 처해있던 조선여성들을 사기와 강요로 모집하고 비인간적으로 대우 및 착취 하도록 하는 동기를 부여하였다. 일본군은 이 기간동안 ‘서비스’의 규격 및 조건을 정하는 최종고객이자 원청업자의 특권을 행사하였으며 이 역할은 일본정부가 인신매 매라는 ‘영토내 불법행위’에 대한 공동불법행위자로서 또 ‘위안서비스’를 구매한 ‘상업 적 행위’의 수행자로서 갖는 책임을 규정하는 것이며, 주권면제이론에도 불구하고 한국법원에서 법적 책임을 감수해야 하는 이유이다.


Ⅰ. Current status of Japanese military ‘comfort women’ issues
Ⅱ. State Immunity doctrine
Ⅲ. Application to ‘Comfort Women’
Ⅳ. Colonial conditions and the ‘comfort women’ system
Ⅴ. Conclusion


  • Kyung Sin Park 박경신. Professor, Law School, Korea University.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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