



A Study on the Influence of Han Dynasty Thought on the Rise of Metaphysics (Xuanxue) in Wei and Jin Dynasties


秦平, 楊玉褀

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Philosophy and social changes in the Han Dynasty had a profound influence on Wei Jin Metaphysics, which was mainly manifested in two aspects: "negative pressure" and "positive enlightenment." The internal crisis of the Han Classics Scholarship and the accompanying social crisis in the Han Dynasty showed that "this road (the Han Classics Scholarship) is not accessible," which provided pressure but also a driving force for the rise of Wei Jin Metaphysics. Correspondingly, to "seek a new road," a number of calm thinkers in the Han Dynasty, who had a sense of worry, worked hard and tried to break through the barriers of the existing Classics Scholarship. The exploratory activities of heretical thinkers in the late Eastern Han Dynasty to a great extent contributed to the emergence of Wei Jin Metaphysics. The trend of social critical thoughts in the late Han Dynasty analyzed the crux and manifestations of the social crisis in the Han Dynasty from the political, cultural, economic, and many other aspects. This importantly weakened the control and influence of Confucian orthodox thoughts on the society, and inspired the metaphysicians of the Wei and Jin Dynasties from the ideology to their lifestyle. The critical and innovative exploration of the late Eastern Han Dynasty provided many sources of the topics of Wei Jin Metaphysics.


一. 汉代经学的危机
(一) 汉代经学兴起的原因 
(二) 汉代经学危机的?质
二. 东汉末期社會批判思想的兴起


  • 秦平 진평. 武汉大学哲学学院副敎授
  • 楊玉褀 양옥기. 英国牛津大学当代中国硏究理学硕士在读


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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