


실험적으로 유도된 면포 생성에 미치는 citral의 효과


Effect of Citral on Experimentally-induced Comedones


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study attempted to examine if the test substance prevents experimentally induced comedones or promotes recovery and check its potential as a natural material with a goodness-of-fit test model through comparison with current topical medication. For this, an in vitro model was adopted. Comedones were generated with isopropyl myristate (IPM) outside the external auditory canal of a 3 month-old New Zealand white rabbit (2.5-3.0kg) over (2) weeks. Emulsion containing citral (0.5, 1%), the main ingredient of lemongrass oil, is applied over four (4) weeks. To examine the potential of comedones for modifications or improvements, the topical agent ‘salicylic acid’ was applied as a comparative group. The test results found the followings: Improvements in comedone erythema and decrease in tissue hyperplasia around pores were observed in all experimental groups (0.5% or 1% citral) (p<0.05). In a 1% citral group, especially, pores were closed with exacerbated comedone inlet. Once canal of hair follicle was blocked, it became difficult to produce sebum and dead skin cells. In addition, after a skin barrier was damaged, repetitively generated erythema resulted in more diverse color changes (p<0.05). According to tissue analysis, tissue hyperplasia was improved in all experimental groups (0.5% or 1% citral group), but the 1% citral group revealed bigger hyperplasia improvements in follicular epidermis (p<0.05). The 6-week animal performed to assess the improvements of comedones found that a 1% citral group is a more effective external agent and that it has potential as a material easing comedone acne symptoms.


本研究旨在考察提供的试验物质是否能够预防以实验方式生成的黑头粉刺,或促进粉刺的生成。为此,通过可行性试验模式,与传统局部治疗剂进行了比较和评价,以确认是否有可能开发为天然材料。实验方法采用试验管实验方法。选用无法观察的约3个月大的雄兔(New Zealand White, 2.5∼3.0 kg),在外耳道外侧涂抹黑头粉刺诱导物质(isopropyl myristate, IPM),经过两周生成黑头粉刺后,涂抹4周含有柠檬草油主成分柠檬醛(0.5,1%)的精华液。为了确认黑头粉刺的变化以及作为黑头粉刺改善剂的功效,在对比组使用了局部外敷剂水杨酸。实验结果显示,柠檬醛(含量为0.5%,1%)实验组的黑头粉刺和红斑都得到了改善,而且毛孔周边组织的过度繁殖也减少了(p<0.05)。尤其,在1%含量的柠檬醛实验组中,由于黑头粉刺猛长,毛孔被堵塞,而毛囊管堵塞的话,会形成皮脂和角质难以分泌的皮肤环境,从而导致皮肤屏障受损,因此反复长出来的红斑,相比对比组,其颜色变化得到显著改善(p<0.05)。组织结果显示,在0.5%和1%含量的柠檬醛实验组中,毛囊周边组织的过度繁殖问题得到改善,但在1%含量的柠檬醛实验组中,观察到毛囊表皮的过度繁殖问题得到更好的改善(p<0.05)。为了在以实验方式生成的黑头粉刺中评价柠檬醛改善功效,进行了6周动物实验。实验结果发现,作为外用药剂,1%含量的柠檬醛实验组更有效,因此今后可用作改善黑头粉刺的原料。


I. 서론
II. 이론적 배경
1. 면포의 형성과정
2. Citral
III. 연구방법
1. 실험동물 및 사육환경
2. 실험군의 구성, 면포 유도 및 실험물질 도포
3. 면포 유도실험(comedonal acne)
4. 면포 육안적 관찰
5. 면포의 무게 평가
6. 염증 분포 및 홍반 평가
7. 조직학적분석
8. 자료의 통계처리
IV. 연구결과
1. NZW 토끼 외이도에 IPM으로 면포 생성
2. 면포 생성 관찰 평가
3. 면포 무게 평가
4. 염증 분포 및 홍반 개선 평가
5. 조직학적 분석 결과
V. 결론


  • 이화정 Hwa-Jeong Lee. 충북대학교 약학대학 박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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