


「勧誘表現」の表現形式と表現機能の相関性 - 「ウチの関係作り」を中心に-


On The Correlation between Expression Form and Expression Types of Invitation - Focusing on “Building Uchi Relationship” -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A lot of research has been done on “Recommendation”, but the way it is used and the scope of its definition vary from researcher to researcher. Therefore, I made a hypothesis that the most important viewpoint in “Invitation” is “Building Uchi-relationship”. The 71st episode of the drama and two movies were analyzed from the perspective of “Building Uchi-relationship.” It was found that the Expression Form uses “suru”, “suruka”, and “dou” types in addition to “shiyou”, “shiyouka”, and “shinaika”, which have been considered to be typical forms. Consider how these six Expression Forms are related to the four Expression functions “Group (guru-pu)”, “Attract (hikikomi)”, “Accept (mukaeire)”, and “Support (atooshi)”. In “Group (guru-pu)”, “shiyou” was the most common. Next is “shiyouka” “shinaika” “suruka” “suru” “dou” in that order. In “Attract (hikikomi)”, “suruka” was the most common. Next is the order of “shiyou”, “shinaika”, and “dou”. In “Accept (mukaeire)”, only two Expression Forms, “suruka” and “shinaika”, were used. In “Support (atooshi)”, only two Expression Forms, “shiyou” and “shiyouka”, appeared. From the viewpoint of “Building Uchi-relationship”, I was able to grasp “Invitation” more broadly and investigate the correlation between Expression Form and Expression function.


1. はじめに
2. 先行研究
3. 本稿の立場と研究方法
3.1 本稿の立場
3.2 研究方法
4. 結果及び考察
4.1 「グループ」の表現形式
4.1.1 「シヨウ」型
4.1.2 「シヨウカ」型
4.1.3 「シナイカ」型
4.1.4 「スルカ」型
4.1.5 「スル」型
4.1.6 「ドウ」型
4.2 「引き込み」の表現形式
4.2.1 「スルカ」型
4.2.2 「シヨウ」型
4.2.3 「シナイカ」型
4.2.4 「ドウ」型
4.3 「迎え入れ」の表現形式
4.3.1 「スルカ」型
4.3.2 「シナイカ」型
4.4 「後押し」の表現形式
4.4.1 「シヨウ」型
4.4.2 「シヨウカ」型
5. おわりに


  • 崔幽美 최유미. 韓国外国語大学校 日本言語文化学部 講師, 日本語学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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