


コ系指示詞の直示的な用法 -キャッチコピーの例を中心に-


Direct use of KO series indicator - Focused on the example of advertising copy -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper examines the direct use of indicators in the Ko series used in advertising copies and what functions they play in advertising. In conclusion, in advertising copies, the Ko-type indicator directs and emphasizes the subject of advertisement or related things, and functions to stimulate consumer curiosity and draw attention. In advertisements, advertisers and consumer do not indicator directly to objects in front of them because they are not exist in the same time and space, but they create a place of conversation like that, making them feel realistic. In advertisements, only indicators such as “kore” and “koko” are used without directly revealing the name of the advertisement target, and direct or related to the advertisement target. In this case, it arouses consumer interest and interest in what the indicator points to. In addition, when used in the form of “kono+N,A,V”, the attributes of the advertisement target can be expected more than when only the indicator is used, but there are also cases where the advertisement target name is not clearly disclosed, stimulating consumers’ curiosity and drawing attention. In addition, “konoyo”, “konohosi”, and “konokuni”, which represent absolute space, and “konokoro”, “konosaki”, and “konoharu”, which represent absolute time are used in advertising copies, and in this case, it seems that the function aims at the advertising effect by arousing the sympathy of consumers.


1. はじめに
2. 研究背景
2.1 指示詞の直示用法
2.2 指示詞の非直示用法
3. 先行研究と本稿の立場
4. 研究方法と資料
5. コ系指示詞の直示的な用法
5.1 広告対象を直接指示
5.1.1 指示詞だけが使われた場合
5.1.2 「コ系指示詞+N、A]
5.2 広告対象と関連した物事を指示
5.2.1 指示詞だけが使われた場合
5.2.2 「コ系指示詞+N、V」
5.3 絶対的空間と時間を指示
6. おわりに


  • 杜英任 두영임. 韓国外国語大学 大学院 博士過程, 日本語学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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