

광고 및 PR 이론1

What Makes Consumers Use Mobile Touch ID for in-App Payments? A Study Focusing on Perceived Convenience, Security, and Privacy



Mobile fingerprint instruments are now actively introduced to consumers as a secure and convenient solution to problems related to identity control and authorization verification management in m-payment systems. The purpose of this study is to investigate consumer perceptions of, and motivations behind, using in-app payments with a fingerprint Touch ID to purchase products. It aims to reveal whether consumers’ inference about a tradeoff between convenience and security still influences today’s m-payment environments. A presumed research model was proposed and tested using structural equation modeling to explore the effects of perceived security, privacy, and convenience of Touch ID in-app payments on attitude toward and usage intention of the technology, mediated by perceived risk and trust. The results of a survey (n = 406) revealed that perceived privacy, security, and convenience of Touch ID in-app payments directly or indirectly influenced consumer attitude toward the technology. The tradeoff relationship between privacy/security and convenience did not exist in the new mobile payment settings, while trust and perceived risk significantly mediated the effects of such factors on attitude, predicting usage intention. These findings have important theoretical and practical implications, particularly for the development and marketing of retailer’s in-app payments.


Data analysis and results


  • 주은신 아시아문화원


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