

영국 건설안전제도 발전 과정의 시사점에 관한 연구 - CDM의 발주자와 안전조정자의 역할과 책임을 중심으로 -


A Study on the Trends of the Construction Safety Regulations in UK - Focused on the Roles and Responsibilities of Clients and Safety Coordinators in Construction Design Management Regulations -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Safety indices of domestic construction industry are staggering inspite of various govermental efforts including lagislative enforcement. The purpose of this study is to sugggest effective ways to prevent consrtuction accidents through introducing the advanteges of the critical elements built in CDM(Construction Design Management Regulations) in UK. The suggestions are deprived by the progressive approach as follows; 1) Establishing of accident prevention principles and identifying root causes of construction accidents and reviewing of prior materials, 2) Defining problems of current domestic legislations, 3) Analyzing the mechanisms of CDM, 4) Suggesting the ways of applying those mechanisms to improving the domestic legislations. In conclusion, clarifications and enforcement of roles and responsibilities among stake holders, rationalization of the names, roles and positions of safety coordinators, imposing the declaration duty on clients about self-awareness of their legal duties and establishing effective monitoring channel through safety coordinators etc. are suggested.


1. 서론
1.1 연구배경 및 목적
1.2 연구범위 및 방법
2. 예비적 고찰
2.1 영국의 건설안전제도 관련 선행 연구
2.2 안전관리원칙
2.3 건설사고 원인
3. 국내 건설안전제도의 안전관리체제 현황
3.1 국내 건설안전제도 분석 대상
3.2 산업안전보건법 중 건설안전 분야 안전관리체제
3.3 건설기술진흥법 중 안전관련제도의 개선점
3.4 국내 건설안전제도의 한계와 개선점
4. CDM의 발주자 안전책무 발전과정과 주요 내용
4.1 영국의 건설안전 수준과 건설안전제도
4.2 CDM 1994의 주요 내용
4.3 CDM 2007의 개정 내용
4.4 CDM 2015의 개정 사항
5. CDM 개념의 국내 제도에 구현 방안
5.1 CDM의 주요 시사점
5.2 CDM 주요 개념의 국내 제도에 적용 방안
6. 결론


  • 안홍섭 Ahn, Hong-Seob. 군산대학교 교수, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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