

Interpreters and copyright protection in the age of distance interpreting


원격통역의 시대의 통역저작권.

Jiyoung Park, Hyang-Ok Lim

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



With distance interpreting being extensively performed during the COVID-19 pandemic, interpreting now more frequently entails recording and online transmission. This means that the issue of interpreters’ copyright deserves greater scholarly attention, but it has only rarely been discussed. This study explored the copyright provisions found in the Republic of Korea, which have relevance to works of interpreting, and also the professional guidelines and standard contracts provided by the International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC). It then carried out a survey of conference interpreters in South Korea asking: (1) In what manner has their interpretation been used? (2) What are their experiences with regard to the protection of their economic rights? (3) What are their experiences with regard to the protection of their moral rights? The survey results were analyzed based on Bourdieu’s concepts of doxa and nomos. The study concludes that the doxa among conference interpreters, invisibility, is at play in the field of interpreting in South Korea and that more attention should be paid to the strengthening of interpreters’ moral rights.


I. Introduction
II. Interpretation and copyright
1. Interpretation as copyright-protected works
2. Economic rights of interpreters
3. Moral rights of interpreters
III. Copyright provisions in AIIC standard contracts and guidelines
Ⅵ. Survey
1. Questionnaire and participants
2. Use of Interpreted Works
3. Exercise of economic rights to interpreting
4. Exercise of moral rights to interpreting
Ⅴ. Discussion


  • Jiyoung Park 박지영. Hankyong National University
  • Hyang-Ok Lim 임향옥. Hankuk University of Foreign Studies


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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