

도검무예의 현황과 과제 ― 정조대 도검무예 진흥책을 중심으로 ―


Current status of martial arts and assignments. - Focused on the promotion policy of King Jeongjo's sword martial arts -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is to find out the current status and tasks of sword martial arts. So it reviews the policy tasks of sword martial arts focusing on the promotion policy of sword martial arts at King Jeongjo's. A comprehensive summary of this is as follows. First, King Jeongjo's policy to promote sword martial arts was achieved through compiling 『Muyedobotongji』 which is comprehensive sword martial book of three countries (Korea,China and Japan) starting from the Imjin Waeran. In addition, this policy aimed at Jang Yong-young soldiers’ acquiring regular military training to become experts in martial arts. At the same time, they gained financial stability due to the rewards of military training. Through this, Jang Yong-yeong's soldiers were transformed royal bodyguards with majesty. King Jeongjo emphasized the idea of proficiency in both literary and martial arts and promoted martial arts training such as archery, sword martial arts, horseback martial arts, and bare-handed martial arts. In addition, as part of the project to express filial piety toward his father Crown Prince Sado, his father’s tomb was relocated to Hyeonryungwon. In an attempt to strengthen the royal authority and the wealthy, Hwaseong Fortress was constructed in Suwon and Jang Yong-yeong was launched. 『Muyedobotongji was also compiled as an effort of his accomplishment. King Jeongjo's military martial arts have been inherited as traditional martial arts today and continue to this day. Second, the establishment of Jang Yong-young was part of the foundation for strengthening the royal authority by taking control of the military through military reform. Jang Yong-young's duties were palace guard, king bodyguard, royal trip escort. Jang Yong-young was divided into inner and outer camps, but the command system was unified, and various projects that inherited martial art were implemented with the expression of filial piety toward Prince Sado. In addition, the establishment of Jang Yong-young had two political purposes: preparing military power and expanding finances. Jang Yong-young's reality disappeared as a memory in history, but Jang Yong-young's literature, 『Jang Yong-yeong Daejeolmok』, remains in the records, allowing specific facts to be grasped, and martial arts which were practiced in Jang Yong-yeong lead to an intangible heritage of traditional martial arts. Third, for the promotion of sword martial arts, five policy tasks can be suggested: ⓵ standardization of sword martial arts and techniques, ⓶ publishing a dictionary of sword martial arts, ⓷ providing visual and auditory material of sword martial arts ⓸ continuous planning of martial arts festivals, and ⓹ establishing a division of sword martial arts in the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Based on these, sword martial arts will not stay in the past, but will be inherited and developed as an intangible asset for the future.


이 논문의 목적은 정조대 도검무예의 현황과 과제를 검토하는 것이다. 이에 대한 내용을 종합적으로 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 정조의 도검무예 진흥은 임진왜란을 시작으로 조선에 들어온 일 본의 쌍수도, 왜검, 왜검교전, 중국의 제독검, 쌍검, 마상쌍검, 월도, 마상 월도, 협도, 등패, 조선의 본국검, 예도 등의 도검무예를 종합적으로 집대 성한 『무예도보통지』의 편찬으로 이루어졌다. 또한, 장용영 군사들에게 『무예보통지』에 실려 있는 도검무예를 1인 1기의 전문가가 될 수 있도록 정 기적 군사훈련으로 습득하기 함과 동시에 포상을 내려 재정적으로 안정 을 추구하였다. 정조는 재위 24년 동안 문무겸전(文武兼全) 사상을 강조하 면서 활쏘기, 도검무예, 마상무예, 맨손무예 등 무예훈련을 강조하였다. 둘째, 장용영의 설치는 군사개혁을 통해 군권을 장악하여 왕권강화를 위한 기반 마련책의 일환이었다. 장용영의 임무는 궁궐 숙위, 국왕 호위, 행행시 배호 등이었다. 장용영 내영과 외영으로 이원화하였지만 명령체계 는 일원화시켰으며, 사도세자에 대한 효(孝)의 발현으로 무(武)를 계승한 다양한 사업을 시행하였다. 장용영의 실체는 역사속의 기억으로 사라졌지 만, 오늘날 장용영에서 시행되었던 군사무예인 『무예도보통지』 도검무예 는 수원 화성 행궁에서 전통무예의 무형유산으로 이어지고 있다. 셋째, 도검무예의 진흥을 위해서는 ①도검무예고증 및 기법 표준화, ②도검무예 사전 발간, ③도검무예 시청각자료 제공, ④무예 축제 연속기 획, ⑤문화체육관광부 전통무예진흥위원회에 도검무예 분과 설치 등의 다 섯 가지 정책과제를 제시할 수 있다. 이를 기반으로 도검무예는 과거 군 사들이 시행한 군사무예에서 머무는 것이 아니라 오늘날 ‘전통무예’로 전 승됨으로써 미래를 위한 무형자산으로 계승 발전될 수 있을 것이다.


<논문 요약>
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 정조대 도검무예 현황
Ⅲ. 장용영(壯勇營) 설치
Ⅳ. 도검무예 진흥 과제
Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 곽낙현 Kwak, Nak-hyun. 한국학중앙연구원 한국학정보화실 전임연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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