

서당 이덕수의 교유관계 고찰


Consideration on the Characteristics of Seodang Lee Deok-su’s Associates


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study considers the associates and associations of Seodang Lee Deok-su (1673~1744), one of the literary persons representing the circles of Soron in the former half of the 18th century. Among 150 or so persons appearing in the poems of association and epitaph contained in Lee Deok-su’s collections of works from which his direct association with them is found, this researcher developed discussion about major 44 associates thought to have maintained relationship with him for a long period or have been meaningful to him. This author has learned that the year of 1716 has significant meaning in terms of Lee Deok-su’s associates and associations and was a turning point of his associations. This assumption is attributed to consideration over the fact that Lee Deok-su aged 44 began his public service officially in 1716, the year of 1716 was when No-So conflict was intensified as the king issued the deposition of Byeongsin judging that Hoenisibi was resulted from Yun Jeung’s fault, and also, when his close friends, Choi Sang-geon and Jeong Seok-jo, died in 1714 and his little brother, Lee Deok-hae, and good friend, Hong Tae-yu, passed away in 1715, Lee Deok-su lamented in the winter of 1715 saying half of his beloved ones had gone to the next world. Lee Deok-su’s association was not that widely-ranged, and he does not seem to have been active about interpersonal relationship, either. This assumption is attributed to the fact that most of his major associates were from associations before 1716, and also, most of them were from long-standing friendship between families or old friendship. Lee Deok-su, however, maintained friendship with most of the people he once had intimate relationship with until they died, which lets us think that he kept it firmly thinking the ties he had once preciously. Always keeping in his heart his late father’s will asking him never to be involved in any absurd party platform, Lee Deok-su was never engaged in such party platforms and tried to overcome them. Having such subjects as Hong Tae-yu, Hong Chi-jung, Hong Je-yu, Lee Hyeon-ik, and Chae Paeng-yun with different partisan colors, this study examines when he started his association with them and how the relationship was. Investigating the association of his, we cannot certainly conclude that Lee Deok-su did transcend partisan coloring or was not influenced by that. It is because when having friendship with the persons of different partisan colors, Lee Deok-su was engaged in it being clearly aware of that, and he thought even the person highly virtuous and profoundly learned could not avoid factions to be in a government post. Most of the persons with different partisan colors found to have had close relationship with Lee Deok-su were those with whom he started association before 1716 already, and about the persons he had relationship after 1716, he had intimate association with Chae Paeng-yun in the circles of Namin only and maintained just reasonable relationship with the rest as colleagues. Lee Deok-su could not be freed from the party platforms of the time, either, in the status of a government official.


본고는 18세기 전반 소론계를 대표하는 관료문인 서당 이덕수(1673~ 1744)의 주요 교유인물과 그 교유관계의 특징에 대해 고찰한 글이다. 이덕수의 교유인물과 교유관계에서 1716년은 상당한 의미를 가지며 교 유관계의 전환점이 되는 해이다. 이는 이덕수는 44세인 1716년에 정식으 로 관직 생활을 시작했으며, 1716년은 병신처분이 내려지면서 노소 갈등 이 증폭된 해이며, 이덕수는 1715년 겨울 자신이 친애하는 사람 반이 저 승으로 갔다고 한탄했다는 사실 등이 고려된 판단이다. 이덕수의 주요 교 유인물 대부분이 1716년 이전에 교유가 이루어졌으며, 또 그중 상당수가 세교가 지속된 경우이거나 죽마고우였다. 하지만 이덕수는 자신과 교유한 친분이 두터웠던 인물 대부분과 그들이 죽을 때까지 줄곧 친분을 유지하 였음을 알 수 있는데, 이는 그가 그만큼 한번 맺은 인연을 소중히 생각하 며 유지해 나갔음을 짐작하게 한다. 17세기 후반부터 18세기 전반에 이르는 시기는 정치적으로 노소 갈등 이 갈수록 심화되던 시기였다. 이덕수는 사리에 어긋나는 당론에는 절대 가담하지 말아야 한다는 부친의 유훈을 늘 가슴 깊이 새기고 당론에 가담 하지 않았으며 그것을 극복하기 위해 노력하였다. 하지만, 그 교유를 살펴 보면 그것이 당색을 초월한 교유였다고 명쾌하게 말할 수 있는 정도는 아 니다. 왜냐하면, 이덕수는 당색이 다른 사람과 교유하면서 그것을 분명히 의식하고 교유에 임했으며, 아무리 덕행이 높고 학문이 깊은 사람이라 해 도 벼슬을 하려면 당파를 피할 수는 없다고 인식하였고, 두터운 친분이 확인되는 당색이 다른 인물 대부분은 1716년 이전에 이미 교유가 시작 됐던 인물이기 때문이다. 이러한 사실에서 이덕수 역시 관료의 신분으로는 당시의 당론에서 자유로울 수 없었다는 한계를 엿볼 수 있다.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이덕수의 주요 교유인물과 그 교유관계의 특징
Ⅲ. 당색이 다른 인물과의 교유 및 그 한계
Ⅳ. 결론


  • 이황진 Lee, Hwang-Jin. 단국대학교 국어국문학과 연구전담 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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