

Culture Information Technology (CIT)

Study on Spin-off Business Model for the Exploitation of Intellectual Property at University in Vietnam



Promote the application of scientific research and technological development results to production and social life; The commercialization of scientific and technological products through the science and technology market is an effective method to exploit intellectual property at universities and research institutes. Spin-off is a popular business model in developed countries to deploy and commercialize scientific and technological research results. However, in Vietnam, this concept is not popular as well as the number of spin-off businesses is not much and does not work effectively. This article focuses on clarifying the shortcomings and difficulties in establishing spinoff businesses in universities, thereby proposing solutions to develop spin-off businesses to exploit assets intellect at universities in Vietnam


1. Introduction
2. Features and process of forming spin-off businesses
3. Difficulties of developing spin-off business model
3.1 Legal corridor
3.2 Financial resources
3.3 Market
4. Solutions for developing spin-off business model at universities in Vietnam
4.1 Creating a legal corridor
4.2 Protection mechanism for intellectual property
4.3. Mechanism of capital mobilization
4.4 Developing spin-off enterprise ecosystem
5. Conclusion


  • Quoc Cuong Nguyen Assistant Professor, Faculty of Technology, Dong Nai Technology University, Dong Nai, Vietnam, Dong Nai Institute for Innovation, Dong Nai, Vietnam
  • Thi Huyen Tran Lecturer, Faculty of Accounting Finance, Dong Nai Technology University, Dong Nai, Vietnam
  • HyukDong Kwon Professor, Graduate School of NID Fusion Technology, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea


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