

저전력 무선통신 기반 대기오염 측정시스템


A Low Power Wireless Communication-based Air Pollutants Measuring System

강정기, 이봉환

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Recently interest for air pollution is gradually increasing. However, according to the environmental assessment of air quality, the level of air pollution in the nation is quite serious, and air pollutants measuring facilities are also not enough. In this paper, a secure air pollutants sensor system based low power wireless communication is designed and implemented. The proposed system is composed of three parts: air pollutants measuring sensors module, LoRa-based data transmission module, and monitoring module. In the air pollutants measuring module, the MSP430 board with six big air pollutants measuring sensors are used. The air pollutants sensing data is transmitted to the control server in the monitoring system using LoRa transmission module. The received sensing data is stored in the database of the monitoring system, and visualized in real-time on the map of the sensor locations. The implemented air pollutant sensor system can be used for measuring the level of air quality conveniently in our daily lives.


1. 서론
2. 관련 연구
2.1 MSP430
2.2 LoRa
2.3 암호화 알고리즘
3. 저전력 무선통신 기반 대기오염 센서장치 및관제시스템
3.1 저전력 대기오염 측정 센서 모듈
3.2 저전력 모드 지원을 위한 Sleep, DeepSleep,Hibernate 모드
3.3 oneM2M 공통 플랫폼과 연동 인터페이스
3.4 UART 통신을 위한 환경 설정
3.5 관제 서버 구성을 위한 데이터 파싱
3.6 데이터베이스 전송을 위한 포트 설정
4. 대기오염 측정 시스템 구현 및 필드 테스트
4.1 실험 환경
4.2 LoRa를 이용한 암호화 전송 테스트
4.3 데이터 값 전송 테스트
4.4 관제센터 구성
4.5 전력 소모 비교
5. 결론


  • 강정기 Jeong Gee Kang. Researcher, R&D Group, Igloo Security Inc
  • 이봉환 Bong Hwan Lee. Professor, Daejeon University, Department of Information and Communications Engineering


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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