

언택트 커뮤니케이션 지원환경으로써 가상세계 - 메타버스를 이용한 게임 유저 커뮤니티 형성의 가능성과 과제 -


The virtual world as a supportive environment for intact communication. - The possibility and task of forming a game user community using a metabus. -

김덕민, 김수동, 석현선, 배신훈, 정형원

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Metabus, a three-dimensional virtual environment for digital communication, has gained a lot of attention recently. Even so, there are still many unanswered questions about the user's consciousness and behavior. A difference in nature from conventional digital communication is also unclear. This paper aims to study Metabus on a hypothetical premise by organizing the possibility of Metabus for communication activation based on a research project aimed at using Metabus to support the formation of a community of school dormitories and studio rental residents. After reviewing the establishment process and application cases of Metabus, we focus on the character (avatar) used as the user's alter ego within the metabus, which will allow customization of both form and content different from text-based communication. The "physicality" and the "spatiality" of the metaverse and the "immersion" they bring are among the most important, functional innovations. Based on this summary, a case of using metabuses will be reviewed to describe the research plan aimed at supporting community formation.


1. Introduction.
2. Status and characteristics of Metabus.
2.1 What is Metabus?
2.2 Metabus history and service type.
2.3 Differences between Metabus and existing Web services.
3. The function and value of avatar-based communication.
3.1 Characteristics of Avatar Base Communication.
3.2 Physicality and Metabus Participation Value
4. Metabus application for social networking.
4.1 Education area.
4.2 Medical field.
4.3 Welfare field.
5. Metabus as a communication and community support environment.
5.1 Functional novelty of Metabus.
5.2 Prospects and requirements of a community formation support environment using metabuses.
5.3 Status of Research Projects
6. Conclusion.


  • 김덕민 Deok min Kim. 광운대학교 게임학과. 미디어그룹 사람과 숲 메타버스 팀, 유투씨엔씨 메타버스팀
  • 김수동 Soo dong Kim. 광운대학교 게임학과. 미디어그룹 사람과 숲 메타버스 팀, 유투씨엔씨 메타버스팀
  • 석현선 Hyeonseon Seok. 광운대학교 게임학과. 미디어그룹 사람과 숲 메타버스 팀, 유투씨엔씨 메타버스팀
  • 배신훈 Shin hoon Bae. 광운대학교 게임학과. 미디어그룹 사람과 숲 메타버스 팀, 유투씨엔씨 메타버스팀
  • 정형원 Hyung won Jeong. 광운대학교 게임학과. 미디어그룹 사람과 숲 메타버스 팀, 유투씨엔씨 메타버스팀


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보
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