

Technology Convergence (TC)

A Study on the Interior Design of a Dog-Friendly Hotel Using Deepfake DID for Alleviation of Pet loss Syndrome




The environment refers to what is surrounded by something during human life. This environment is related to the way humans live, and presents various problems on how to perceive the surrounding environment and how the behaviors that constitute the environment support the elements necessary for human life. Humans have an interest in the supportability of the environment as the interrelationship increases as humans perceive and understand the environment and accept the factors supported by the environment. In space, human movement starts from one space to the next and exchanges stimuli and reactions with the environment until reaching a target point. These human movements start with subjective judgment and during gait movement, the spatial environment surrounding humans becomes a collection of information necessary for humans and gives stimulation. will do. In this process, in particular, humans move along the movement path through movement in space and go through displacement perception and psychological changes, and recognize a series of spatial continuity. An image of thinking is formed[1]. In this process, spatial experience is perceived through the process of filtering by the senses in the real space, and the result of cognition is added through the process of subjective change accompanied by memory and knowledge, resulting in human movement. As such, the spatial search behavior begins with a series of perceptual and cognitive behaviors that arise in the process of human beings trying to read meaning from objects in the environment. Here, cognition includes the psychological process of sorting out and judging what the information is in the process of reading the meaning of the external environment, conditions, and material composition, and perception is the process of accepting information as the first step. It can be said to be the cognitive ability to read the meaning of the environment given to humans. Therefore, if we can grasp the perception of space while moving and human behavior as a response to perception, it will be possible to predict how to grasp it from a human point of view in a space that does not exist. Modern people have the theme of reminiscing dog-friendly hotels for the healing of petloss syndrome, and this thesis attempts to approach the life of companions.




  • Sungi Hwang Doctoral Cource, Department of Immersive Content Convergence, General graduate school, Kwangwoon Univ., Korea
  • Gihwan Ryu Prof., Dept. of Tourism Industry, graduate school of smart convergence, Kwangwoon Univ., Korea


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