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Soil Chemical Properties - Variation with Altitude and Forest Composition: A Case Study of Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary, Western Himalaya (India)



The present study was carried out to evaluate the chemical properties of soil in relation to forest structure and composition at different altitudes (900-2,600 m asl) in a part of Western Himalaya. The composite soil samples were taken from three (viz. upper, middle and lower) depths. The soils of the whole study area were acidic in nature (pH=4.90-5.51). Contents of Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), Carbon (C) and soil organic matter (SOM) showed much fluctuation during different seasons of year. Nitrogen content showed significant positive correlations with altitude (r=0.924, p<0.05) and different community parameters like species diversity (r=0.892, p<0.01) and species richness (r=0.941, p<0.05). Phosphorus exhibited direct correlations with carbon (r=0.637) while weak negative correlations with different community parameters like species richness & diversity, total basal cover (TBC), density and canopy cover. Carbon content and hence SOM showed direct correlations with Nitrogen (r=0.821, p<0.01); Phosphorus (r=0.637, ns) and Potassium (r=0.540, ns). But no significant relationship was observed between K content and species richness (p=0.30, r=-0.504); between K content and species diversity (p=0.14, r=-0.672); between P content and species diversity (p=0.29, r=-0.513) and species richness (p=0.23, r=-0.575). Among the different soil nutrients, only N showed a significant positive correlation with altitude while all others exhibited negative (but non-significant) correlation with it. The study revealed that the chemical properties affect and are reciprocally affected by forest structure and composition and that N rich soils of higher altitudes are best for the growth and development of forests.


Materials and Methods
Study area
Vegetation analysis
Forest composition and structure
Species distribution across forest sites
Soil parameters and vegetation pattern
Chemical properties of the soil
Statistical analysis
Relationship between soil chemical properties and community attributes


  • Zubair A. Malik Department of Botany and Microbiology, HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar Garhwal Uttarakhand 246174, India, Presently at Department of Biology, Govt. HSS Harduturoo Anantnag J&K 192201, India
  • Shiekh Marifatul Haq Department of Botany, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, J&K 190006, India


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