

연상작용을 통한 문장구역 - 통역교육에의 시사점 -


Associative Sight Translation : A Pedagogical Method to avoid Interference


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Chung, Hye-yeon. (2007). Associative Sight Translation : A Pedagogical Method to avoid Interference. Interpreting and Translation Studies 10-2, pp.105-126.
Everybody who works in the field of translation and interpretation knows what sight translation is. But no consensus has been made till now on how to do it the best and how to avoid one of the greatest difficulties of sight translation i.e. linguistic interference.
This paper is suggesting - on the base of the knowledge from cognitive linguistics - a method of sight translation which is called 'associative sight translation'. According to this method the source text is reprocessed based on its content and structure. That is to say, cues on content and structure are marked in the text. The text is first dissected into smaller semantic units and within these semantic units a fixed number of cue words are selected, which function as associative cues to make the interpreters free to produce their individual target texts. This can be an effective strategy to avoid linguistic interference in the process of sight translation because the interpreters produce their target texts only on the base of the semantic and structural cues that the source text provides, and not on the base of the whole text analyzing its syntactic and semantic features as non-professionals might do, when asked to translate a text on the spot.


 I. 연구배경과 목표
 II. 문장구역의 정의와 성격
 III. 연상문장구역
  1. 연상문장구역이란
  2. 연상문장구역에서 발생하는 인지작용
  3. 구체적 방법론
 IV. 교육적 시사점
 V. 앞으로의 연구과제


  • 정혜연 Chung, Hye-yeon. 한국외국어대학교 서양어대학 독어과 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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